Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Crime City

Forgive my lack of political correctness but some places in the Capital Region are better to live in than others. Not only by my standard but by the FBI’s annual crime statistical repot. According to the report released by the Sacramento Bee last week, 10 neighborhoods primarily in North Sacramento, South Natomas and Land Park had a 75 percent increase in violent crime in the last 5 years. Violent crime rose 30 percent throughout the city while population only increased 11 percent. So, what’s up with that?

According to the FBI, violent crime while up substantially in Sacramento isn’t increasing in the state or in the nation. Violent crime actually dropped 8 percent nationwide from 2000 to 2004 and declined 11 percent in California during the same period. In cities in California with populations over 250,000, Sacramento had the fourth highest violent crime rate and it is increasing.

The mayor and city council members look for politically correct excuses such as: increased reporting by victims, switching to a new tracking system by city cops and even tired to find differences in the definition of “violent” crime.

Violent crime can destroy not only the individuals affected but also property values of entire neighborhoods. The city should act quickly to implement a plan in conjunction with neighborhood leaders and community activists before crime spreads to other areas. Neighborhoods with a low crime rate experience greater appreciations rates and homes sell more quickly. The mayor and city council should address the problem and not look for politically correct excuses.


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