Where people live
The U.S. Census Bureau last week released their estimated population numbers for the region. Between 2005 and 2006 the Capital Region grew by 31,000 people. Here’s where they live:
Sacramento County gained an additional 11,301 folks, increasing from 1,363,423 to 1,374,724 for a 0.8 percent population gain. Placer County went from 316,868 people in July of 2005 to 326,242 in July of 2006 a gain of 9,374. El Dorado County’s population grew from 176,319 to 178,066. Yuba County grew from 67,144 to 70,396 during the year for the highest percentage growth of 4.8 percent. Yolo County grew 1.6 percent last year from 185,091 to 188,085 and Sutter County went from 89,005 to 91,410. The entire region gained 31,000 people for the year.
Over the last six years, Placer County has been California’s fastest-growing county. Between 2000 and 2006 Placer’s population has risen from 248,399 to 326,242, a 31 percent gain. Placer is ranks 41st. on the chart of the 100 fastest-growing counties in the United States.
Yuba County’s Plumas Lake accounted for much of the county’s record growth. The 5,000-acre Plumas Lake community will eventually contain 12,000 homes. Affordable home prices are attracting long-distance commuters. They call it Plumas Lake for a reason. In 1986 and again in 1997 the development was under water. But you can’t blame the builders for building homes in flood high-risk areas. We need to put all the people someplace.